Basis: Inertial incapacity of material to vectorially add the angular momenta resulting from bodies in rotation in certain cases.
The Theory of Dynamic Interactions (TDI) arises from physical observation and reflection on the validity of mathematical models that accept the vectorial addition of angular magnitudes to their precedence:
- The mathematical model used to develop movement equations allows for vectorial differential addition, even though the non-coaxial, rotational physical phenomenon is clearly neither commutative nor associative.
- The indiscriminate superimposition principle is accepted; both for rotations, as well as for the case of the separation of forces and momenta (Poinsot).
Certain questions arise from the foregoing:
- On subjecting bodies with intrinsic angular momenta to new momenta dynamic interactions are caused that allow for a variation of the effect of the incident force couple.
- For bodies endowed with kinetic momentum consisting of an intrinsic angular momentum, in addition to the amount of movement, when non-coaxial forces act the path of the solid will change.
Intellectual Property:
Research on the Theory of Dynamic Interactions that is disseminated on this web site has been financed by Advanced Dynamics, S.A., which has registered patents based on the theory.