Dinámica Fundación is a non-profit organisation established in 2001 to encourage and promote scientific and technical research. It arose out of a private research initiative that proposes a new, non-Newtonian Rotational Dynamics the hypotheses of which have been duly substantiated in a theory known as the Theory of Dynamic Interactions (TDI). The aforementioned theory makes it possible to explain phenomena that it has not been possible to resolve by means of classical mechanics.
In accordance with its Articles of Association, the general interest goals of Dinámica Fundación are:
- The conducting and promoting of scientific and technical research, mainly in the fields of physics and aerospace, the findings of which are aimed at benefitting mankind.
- Projects and programmes to carry out this research.
- The carrying out of superior and specialisation studies by those persons or professionals who wish to work in the research discipline.
- The Foundation can, in the pursuit of its activity: award prizes and grants, hold events, organise exhibitions, courses, seminars and congresses, create libraries and, in general, cultural establishments, teaching and research centres, publish works, assess agreements and exchanges with Spanish and foreign Universities, Institutions and centres and, undertake all those actions conducive to better achieving its goals.